Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Musical inspiration for this blog....

From the Talking Heads:

And you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack
And you may find yourself in another part of the world
And you may find yourself behind the wheel of a large automobile
And you may find yourself in a beautiful house, with a beautiful
And you may ask yourself-Well...How did I get here?

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/after the money's gone
Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.

And you may ask yourself
How do I work this?
And you may ask yourself
Where is that large automobile?
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful house!
And you may tell yourself
This is not my beautiful wife!
Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/after the money's gone
Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.

Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...
Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...
Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...

Water dissolving...and water removing
There is water at the bottom of the ocean
Carry the water at the bottom of the ocean
Remove the water at the bottom of the ocean!

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/in the silent water
Under the rocks and stones/there is water underground.

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/after the money's gone
Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.

And you may ask yourself
What is that beautiful house?
And you may ask yourself
Where does that highway go?
And you may ask yourself
Am I right?...Am I wrong?
And you may tell yourself

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/in the silent water
Under the rocks and stones/there is water underground.

Letting the days go by/let the water hold me down
Letting the days go by/water flowing underground
Into the blue again/after the money's gone
Once in a lifetime/water flowing underground.

Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...Same as it ever was...

The ideal

So I've been thinking a lot about long term research goals lately - what's my main area of interest? How do I head in that direction? What are the overall arches of my interest, what's out there and where do I see the need for improvement on college campuses and most importantly how do I connect all of those things into a coherent piece that people will take seriously. 

To begin with I have a great passion for career counseling - I feel there's a lot of bad advice or a serious lack of advice for college students.  Some of that comes from my own personal bias, I know there are a lot of fantastic counselors out there, but their message isn't being heard or sought out by the folks who really need it.  It's the perpetual conundrum - the people who need the most help are the least likely to seek it out. But I'm getting ahead of myself. 

My eventual goal is a PhD in Higher Education - the thesis is to develop a career advising curriculum based on Wm. Sedlacek's non-cognitive behavior theory (more detail on that in a bit) that can be implemented by schools using a faculty based advising model.  I truly believe that career counseling (not just job searching skills) need to be utilized from day 1 by colleges & universities.  I think it will help students help define their academic goals at an earlier stage which will in turn help them find higher satisfaction in their academic careers.

Dr. Sedlacek's non cognitive behavior's include:
POSITIVE SELF-CONCEPT OR CONFIDENCE. Strong self-feeling, strength of character. Determination, independence.
REALISTIC SELF-APPRAISAL, especially academic. Recognizes and accepts any deficiencies and works hard at self-development. Recognizes need to broaden his/her individuality.
UNDERSTAND AND DEALS WITH RACISM. Realist based upon personal experience of racism. Is committed to fighting to improve existing system. Not submissive to existing wrongs, nor hostile to society, nor a "cop-out." Able to handle racist system. Asserts school or organization role to fight racism.
PREFERS LONG-RANGE GOALS TO SHORT-TERM OR IMMEDIATE NEEDS. Able to respond to deferred gratification.
SUCCESSFUL LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE in any area pertinent to his/her background (gang leader, church, sports, noneducational groups, etc.)
DEMONSTRATED COMMUNITY SERVICE. Has involvement in his/her cultural community.
KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED IN A FIELD. Unusual and/or culturally related ways of obtaining information and demonstrating knowledge. Field itself may be non-traditional.


So that's where this blog is starting.  I fully expect that I will add in bits and pieces of things that I find interesting but not necessarily related as I blog along.  I am the author & owner of this blog so I reserve that right! :)

My first post!

So the idea behind  this blog is to just get me writing.  I do eventually want to work on a PhD and I need to get better about writing, researching and publishing in general.  I'm hoping that by committing to this blog I can get the creative juices flowing and getting some ideas for journal worthy articles on a page somewhere in the blogosphere.

 Wish me luck!